Saturday, April 23, 2011

Smiling Away Your Troubles - Funny Life Quotes

When we think of funny life quotes, the first thing that comes to mind are the anonymous internet web sarcasms that are hilariously true to the complex sensibilities of life. However, very few might actually consider the fact that some of the most famous life quotes are brilliantly entertaining in the modern context and can have a variety of effects on people from different walks of life. This article takes a look at some famous quotes and what it could mean for everyone around us.
Case1: "Give me a museum and I'll fill it"- Pablo Picasso
Picasso might have been talking about the delicate intricacies of art and sculpture but his comment of confidence is apt for a lot of people all around. To our parents, it could be an option to say "Give me a child and I'll ruin it", trying to be what we are by forcing their opinions on us. It could be a chance for them to fill our minds with old songs, silent movies and lots and lots of schoolwork to bring us up like a model sculpture. We might be model led on good values but end up just being a showpiece on the mantle. Our senators might take funny life quotes a step further when they say "Give me a citizen and I'll bill it", an interesting way to say how our life would be flooded with legislatures and taxes. We might run out of basic amenities but what better way to be a model citizen than pay breathing tax!

Case 2: "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it"- Oscar Wilde
Kids of today might find it the perfect inspiration to live life on their terms. Sleeping late, watching television, skipping schools, overdose of sugar-everything is just a strenuous effort to get rid of bad habits and be a better person. Washing off our sins was never this much fun! In fact, a large section of society can be affected by funny life quotes. Crime could be the new way of reformation for policemen and the seven deadly sins committed by mankind could actually end up being the scriptures of self enlightenment. The world might be ruined, but at least it would get ruined while having fun.

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